For those of you unfamiliar with our Journey to this point, you can get caught up by watching this video.
Be still and Know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10
It is a wonderful thing to know that God is in charge. Aboagye just sent me an e-mail letting me know that the chickens began laying eggs on May 17th and since that time have rapidly increased production. The veterinarian that we hired is visiting the orphanage frequently to check on the laying chickens and the new chicks.
That’s right! New chicks. The latest batch of 500 chicks is now 5 weeks old and they are all doing well. They have taken all precautions to avoid disease, and all looks well. They have also prepared another section of chicken houses for the final 500 chicks, which should be delivered in a few months. It will be very exciting when they have reached the egg laying stage and the profits begin coming in.
Right now, the children are being given 3 crates of eggs (count the eggs/do the math) every Sunday and the rest are being sold to pay for feed and savings for new chicks. The orphanage’s goal for the upcoming year is to raise the flock total to 2500.
Keep praying faithful warriors – God is in charge.
Two Pennies Ministry is a 501(c)3 charity, EIN 83-3269475. We can be found at 1735 W Highland Ave, Elgin, IL.