Continuing our Mission…

A New Opportunity

In eighty days we will be sending another team to Ghana.  This will be our sixth team in just over three years. We are excited by all that God has done through us during this time.  This time our main goal is to work with teachers and we are excited to be continuing the relationships that we began last year.  In 2014, students at Sycamore Trails Elementary School in Bartlett, IL led a effort to acquire books for their pen-pals in Ghana.  Along with members of First Baptist Church in Elgin, we were able to collect over 7,000.  Those books and six computers arrived in Ghana late in the spring.


So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.

Ephesians 4:11&12


Teachers at the school in Ghana

A team of Judson University students and professors will be going to Ghana to work with teachers in how to use these books and computers to increase reading ability.  We are excited to see how God’s people are using their gifts and talents to reach those in the world around us.

In his book Follow Me, David Platt writes, “As long as we limit the people we send overseas to trained pastors and traditional missionaries, we will continue to see a tepid advance of the gospel to the unreached.  But what might happen if students, singles, couples, families, and senior adults took their gifts, skills, passions, and training and fanned out among the nations for the sake of God’s fame?”

We have undertaken a number of challenging projects at the Two Pennies Ministry.  From a poultry farm to building an orphanage, we have seen God work in miraculous ways.  It has been exciting to see the passion people’s eyes as they realize the incredible impact they can have.  In preparation for our Journey, we’ve had several meetings to plan.  It has been an honor to see the dedication of the team that is preparing to leave.  In a country like Ghana, education is what gives people opportunity.  Most students never make it past fifth grade. The investment we make in this trip, could have an extraordinary effect.  By God’s grace – it will.

Please pray for those going on this trip and the teachers on the other side.  None of us are “trained missionaries,” or “seminary educated.”  We are God’s people, taking our skills and talents and using them to be Christ to those in need.